Half Way There! (Filming Blog)

Today was the second day of filming for our music video. On the last day we ran into a lot of issues while in the process of filming. These issues happened because we didn't have a specific enough plan or storyboard. We ended up canceling filming and focused on fixing the major issues that we had. So going into this filming day my expectations were high for what we would accomplish. Just like the day before I arrived at my partners house around 5. The weather was complete opposite from the day before, it wasn't raining at all and was pretty clear outside. So we followed the schedule that we made on the first filming day, and we immediately started to record my scenes. We were trying to do it as efficient as possible because this time of year the sunsets at an earlier time. Sadly the sunset after about the first two scenes that are recorded of me. We already had a plan for if it got dark though. My partner brought her ring light so when the sunset we were able to record and still have good lighting at night. Recording my scenes went pretty smoothly and we were able to finish them in about an hour. Compared to the out last project were I kept laughing in every take, I was able to hold my composure better. Then we went inside to film the scenes that are of my partner. We decided to scrap all of what we had recorded in the previous day and start with nothing. I feel like doing this gave us a fresh mindset and helped us follow or new storyline better. Recording my partners scenes was very easy as well. The only  obstacles we ran into was just having to rearrange some items in her bedroom to get the right setting for some scenes.
Once we finished her scenes, I had one very easy scene to record inside as well. Filming is officially completed for our music video and I think we have a much better idea for it, now we just have to edit and finalize.


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