Editing Blog: Time Crunch
Today was my first day of editing. All the clips that we record while filming are on my phone so the editing is also being done on my phone. First I discussed with my partner which version of the shots we wanted to use for the final product. We took multiple recordings of each shot while filming so that there would be a variety of choices if we weren't feeling a certain recording. This process didn't take that long because I already knew which recording would fit the best together for the final commercial. Once we got all the scene on the editing app, we noticed that we were way over the time limit. The time limit our teachers told us was 30 seconds and the video was around almost 45 seconds. So I tried my best to look through each clip and see if there was any bits that we could sacrifice to meet the 30 second limit. This process was very hard, it took me and my partner a very long time. The reason being is that to take out a piece of a clip, I had to make sure that the commercial as a whole wasn't ruined. Then I talked to my partner about adding transitions. I wanted to add transition where some time would have went by in the commercial. In my mind doing this would give the audience signals and help them follow the storyline of the commercial. At first my partner was confused but when I added a fade transition between two clips, she could tell the difference that it made. My partner had sent me some music that was used in another Extra Gum commercial for my to insert in the app. I screen record the video on my phone from YouTube, inserted it into the app and extracted the audio form the clip. Then I lined up the music so that the rhythm would somewhat follow the storyline of the commercial. This would conclude the first day of editing for me. There is still a lot that needs to be done though. Such as the outro that would normally be in a Extra commercial. This shouldn't be to hard unless we are going to have trouble with fitting in the set time limit again.
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