1. Our product had a lot of conventions that are used in their commercials. One being sad or sentimental music. Another is having storyline that appeals to the audiences feelings and heart. Also the slogan that the play at the end of each commercial. This commercial mostly represent younger social groups.
2. Our product in commercial is used to get to peoples emotion. The storyline of Extra gum commercials make the gum the reason the characters are brought together. No directly advertising the gum itself but in an indirect form. It would be distributed on TV as a commercial.
3. My production skills through the project developed a lot. For example my first day or recording started of rocky. It took me some time to focus and finish scenes. But then on the second I new what had to be done and we were able to get the last scenes finished efficiently.
4. For software we used the editing app called Video Leap on my phone. For hardware we used the camera to record from my iPhone 11. For Online we did research on conventions and other similar commercial that helped us create our own.

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